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The World Bank, International Monetary Fund, and Inter-American Development Bank
"Partnering to Prevent Domestic Abuse"
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| | October |
| | Domestic Violence Awareness Month |
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| | The Human Resources Global Mobility (HRSGM) |
| | invites you to an event sponsored by The World |
| (Embedded image moved to file: | Bank, International Monetary Fund, and |
| pic12193.jpg) | Inter-American Development Bank. In recognition |
| | of October's Domestic Violence Awareness Month, |
| PORTRAIT BY TIMOTHY | Madeleine K. Albright, former U.S. Secretary of |
| GREENFIELD-SANDERS | State, will deliver the keynote address. |
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| | As Secretary of State, Madeleine Albright |
| Wednesday, October 1, 2008 | reinforced America's alliances, advocated |
| 3:00 - 4:30 PM | democracy and human rights, and promoted |
| | American trade and business, labor, and |
| | environmental standards abroad. She has also |
| | continuously strived to improve the lives of |
| Batalan Drums to perform at 2:50 PM | women and girls around the world. |
| Book signing to follow Q&A at 3:45 | |
| PM | In Dr. Albright's own words, during the United |
| | Nation's Fourth Conference on Women in Beijing |
| | in 1995: |
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| Preston Auditorium | "(I look forward) to the day when girls all over |
| World Bank Main Complex | the world will be able to look ahead with |
| 1818 H Street, NW | confidence that their lives will be valued, |
| Washington, DC | their individuality respected, their rights |
| | protected and their future determined by their |
| | own abilities and character. In such a world the |
| | lives of all of us-----men and women, boys and |
| | girls----will be enriched." |
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| | Save the Date |
| | Domestic Violence Panel: What You May Not Know! |
| | Wednesday, October 29, 2008 from 12:00-2:00pm |
| | J1-050 Auditorium, World Bank J Building |
| | For more information, please contact |
| | infoshopevents@worldbank.org |
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Edith Grace Ssempala,
Acting Senior Vice President & Director of International Affairs,
External Affairs, World Bank
Ngozi N. Okonjo-Iweala
Managing Director, World Bank
Madeleine K. Albright
Former United States Secretary of State
Phillip Hay
Communications Advisor, Human Development Network, World Bank
About the Human Resources Global Mobility (HRSGM)
HRSGM provides relocation support services, including overseas
assignment briefings, education, child care, housing, spouse/partner
career, and domestic abuse prevention guidance to the staff of the
World Bank Group and Inter-American Development Bank. Additionally,
they extend Domestic Abuse Prevention services to the staff and
families of the IMF. HRSGM also provides educational outreach
programs and information on domestic abuse prevention.
For more information, visit:Global Mobility website
Contact us at globalmobility@worldbank.org or by phone at (202)
About the InfoShop
The InfoShop is the public information center of the World Bank and
serves as a forum for substantial debate on international
development. Our extensive events program consists of more than 250
events over the past two years and has hosted many internationally
recognized speakers including Queen Noor, Francis Fukuyama, Jeffrey
Sachs, Amartya Sen, Joseph Stiglitz, Thomas Friedman, and Carly
Fiorina. The InfoShop functions as the only publicly accessible
space at headquarters and provides internal and external audiences
with over 15,000 titles published by the World Bank, international
organizations, and other publishers on development issues.
For more information, visit: www.worldbank.org/infoshop
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