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World Bank Publications
Working Out of Poverty: Job Creation and the Quality of Growth in Africa, by
Louise M. Fox , Melissa Sekkel Gaal. $20.00pb.
Accounting for Infrastructure Regulation: An Introduction, by Eric Groom ,
Richard Schlirf Rapti , Martin Rodriguez Pardina. $30.00pb.
Forests Sourcebook: Practical Guidance for Sustaining Forests in Development
Cooperation. $30.00pb.
Inclusive States: Social Policy and Structural Inequalities, edited by Anis A.
Dani , Arjan de Haan. $30.00pb.
An African Exploration of the East Asian Education Experience, edited by
Jee-Peng Tan , Birger Fredriksen. $60.00pb, w/CD-ROM
Inclusive States: Social Policy and Structural Inequalities, edited by Anis A.
Dani , Arjan de Haan. $30.00pb.
miniAtlas of Human Security, by World Bank , The Human Security Centre . $9.95.
The Little Green Data Book 2008, by World Bank. $15.00pb.
Teachers for Rural Schools: Experiences in Lesotho, Malawi, Mozambique,
Tanzania, and Uganda, edited by Aidan Mulkeen , Dandan Chen. $25.00pb.
Unleashing Prosperity: Productivity Growth in Eastern Europe and Former Soviet
Union, by Asad Alam, Paloma Anos Casero, Faruk Khan and Charles Udomsaph. $35.00
The Little Data Book 2008, by World Bank. $15.00pb.
Assets, Livelihoods, and Social Policy, edited by Caroline Moser , Anis A. Dani.
Parliaments as Peacebuilders in Conflict-Affected Countries, edited by Mitchell
O'Brien , Rick Stapenhurst , Niall Johnston. $30.00pb.
Hospital Performance in Brazil: The Search for Excellence, by Gerard M. La
Forgia , Bernard F. Couttolenc. $40.00pb.
Current Affairs
The Return of History and the End of Dreams, by Robert Kagan. Alfred A. Knopf.
5/2008. $19.95hb.
The Post-American World, by Fareed Zakaria. W. W. Norton. 5/2008. $25.95hb.
The Assault on Reason, by Al Gore. Penguin. 5/2008. $16.00. New in paperback
The Secret History of American Empire: Economic Hit Men, Jackals, and the Truth
about Global Corruption, by John Perkins . Plume. 5/2008. $15.00. New in
After Bush: The Case for Continuity in American Foreign Policy, by Timothy J.
Lynch , Robert S. Singh. Cambridge University Press. 5/2008. $28.00hb.
Kofi Annan: A Man of Peace in a World of War, by Stanley Meisler . John Wiley
and Sons, Inc. 5/2008. $18.95. New in paperback!
The Elephant and the Dragon: The Rise of India and China and What It Means for
All of Us, by Robyn Meredith. W. W. Norton. 5/2008. $15.95. New in paperback!
Reuters: Our World Now. Thames and Hudson. 5/2008. $24.95pb.
Development Economics
Reinventing Foreign Aid, edited by William Easterly. MIT Press. 5/2008. $35.00
Development and Globalization: Facts and Figures, by UNCTAD. United Nations.
5/2008. $25.00pb.
Countering Development: Indigenous Modernity and the Moral Imagination, by David
D. Gow. Duke University Press. 5/2008. $23.95pb.
General Economics
OECD Factbook 2008: Economic, Environmental and Social Statistics. Organization
for Economic Cooperation and Development. 5/2008. $50.00pb.
Econometric Forecasting and High-Frequency Data Analysis, edited by Robert S.
Mariano , Yiu-Kuen Tse. World Scientific Publishers. 5/2008. $68.00hb.
Economic Sanctions Reconsidered, 3/e, w/CD-ROM, by Gary C. Hufbauer , Jeffrey J.
Schott , Kimberly Ann Elliott , Barbara Oegg. Peterson Institute for
International Economics. 5/2008. $49.95hb.
Discover Your Inner Economist: Use Incentives to Fall in Love, Survive Your Next
Meeting, and Motivate Your Dentist, by Tyler Cowen. Plume. 5/2008. $15.00. New
in paperback!
Social and Cultural Issues
Cultural Politics in a Global Age: Uncertainty, Solidarity, and Innovation,
edited by David Held , Henrietta L. Moore. Oneworld. 5/2008. $34.00pb.
Indigenous Peoples: Self-determination Knowledge Indigeneity, edited by Henry
Minde. Eburon. 5/2008. $40.00pb.
A Casebook of Social Change in Developing Areas, edited by Arthur H. Niehoff.
Transaction Publishers. 5/2008. $29.95pb.
Youth and the City in the Global South, by Karen Tranberg Hansen. Indiana
University Press. 5/2008. $24.95pb.
Human Rights
The History of Human Rights: From Ancient Times to the Globalization Era, with a
New Preface, by Micheline R. Ishay. University of California Press. $27.50pb.
Refugee Rights: Ethics, Advocacy, and Africa, edited by David Hollenbach, SJ.
Georgetown University Press. 5/2008. $26.95pb.
To Plead Our Own Cause: Personal Stories by Today's Slaves, edited by Kevin
Bales , Zoe Trodd, Cornell University Press. 5/2008. $18.95pb.
Enslaved: True Stories of Modern Day Slavery, edited by Jesse Sage , Liora
Kasten. Palgrave Macmillan. 5/2008. $14.95. New in paperback!
Going Global: Key Questions for the 21st Century, by Michael Moynagh , Richard
Worsley. A & C Black. 5/2008. $19.95pb.
The Rules of Globalization: Case Book, edited by Rawi Abdelal. World Scientific
Publishers. 5/2008. $78.00pb.
Cultural Globalization: A User's Guide, by J. Macgregor Wise. Blackwell
Publishers. 5/2008. $24.95pb.
How to Rule the World: The Coming Battle Over the Global Economy, by Mark
Engler. Nation Books. 5/2008. $16.95pb.
Banking, Finance and Investment
Small Loans, Big Dreams: How Nobel Prize Winner Muhammad Yunus and Microfinance
Are Changing the World, by Alex Counts. John Wiley and Sons, Inc. 5/2008. $29.95
The Secret Code of Japanese Candlesticks, by Felipe Tudela. John Wiley and Sons,
Inc. 5/2008. $80.00hb.
Village Savings and Loan Associations: A Practical Guide, by Hugh Allen , Mark
Staehle. Practical Action Publishing. 5/2008. $29.95pb.
Conversations with Practitioners: The Challenges of Market-led Microfinance, by
Guy Winship. Practical Action Publishing. 5/2008. $28.95pb.
Hedge Funds: An Analytic Perspective, by Andrew W. Lo. Princeton University
Press. 5/2008. $45.00hb.
The New Paradigm for Financial Markets: The Credity Crisis of 2008 and What It
Means, by George Soros. PublicAffairs. 5/2008. $22.95hb.
Asset Pricing: Frontiers of Real Estate Finance, Vol. 1, edited by Jianping Mei
, Hsien-hsing Liao. World Scientific Publishers. 5/2008. $70.00hb.
IFRS Policies and Procedures, by Barry J. Epstein , Eva K. Jermakowicz. John
Wiley and Sons, Inc. 5/2008. $65.00pb.
Equity Valuation: Models from Leading Investment Banks, edited by Jan Viebig ,
Thorsten Poddig , Armin Varmaz. John Wiley and Sons, Inc. 5/2008. $90.00hb.
Financial Development, Institutions, Growth and Poverty Reduction, edited by
Basudeb Guha-Khasnobis , George Mavrotas. Palgrave Macmillan. 5/2008. $90.00hb.
Development Finance in the Global Economy: The Road Ahead, edited by Tony
Addison , George Mavrotas. Palgrave Macmillan. $90.00hb.
Management and Leadership
Transparency: How Leaders Create a Culture of Candor, by Warren G. Bennis ,
Daniel Goleman , James O'Toole. John Wiley and Sons, Inc. 5/2008. $22.95hb.
Innovation Leaders: How Senior Executives Stimulate, Steer, and Sustain
Innovation, by Jean-Philippe Deschamps. Jossey-Bass. 5/2008. $34.95hb.
The Change Cycle: How People Can Survive and Thrive in Organizational Change, by
Ann Salerno , Lillie Brock. Berrett-Koehler Publishers. 5/2008. $19.95pb.
Communication Counts: Business Presentations for Busy People, by Mary
Civiello. John Wiley and Sons, Inc. 5/2008. $21.95pb.
Sex at the Margins: Migration, Labour Markets and the Rescue Industry, by Laura
Maria Agustin. Zed Books. 5/2008. $31.00pb.
The Gender Politics of Development: Essays in Hope and Despair, by Shirin M.
Rai. Zed Books. 5/2008. $30.95pb.
Women in Islam and the Middle East: A Reader, edited by Ruth Roded. I. B.
Tauris. 5/2008. $27.95pb.
Governance, Civil Society and Participation
Institutional Interplay: Biosafety and Trade, edited by Oran R. Young , W.
Bradnee Chambers , Joy A. Kim , Claudia ten Have. United Nations University
Press. 5/2008. $30.00pb.
Legal and Judicial Issues
Law and Capitalism: What Corporate Crises Reveal About Legal Systems and
Economic Development Around the World, by Curtis J. Milhaupt , Katharina Pistor.
University of Chicago Press. 5/2008. $39.00hb.
The Politics of Economic Inequality in Developing Countries, by Philip Nel.
Palgrave Macmillan. 5/2008. $74.95hb.
Commodities, Pricing and Trade
Elimination of TRIMs: The Experience of Selected Developing Countries. UNCTAD.
United Nations. 5/2008. $35.00pb.
Global Rice and Agricultural Trade Liberalisation: Poverty and Welfare
Implications for South Asia, edited by Mohammad A. Razzaque , Edwin Laurent.
Commonwealth Secretariat. 5/2008. $38.95pb.
Fair Trade Coffee: The Prospects and Pitfalls of Market-Driven Social Justice,
by Gavin Fridell. University of Toronto Press. 5/2008. $29.95. New in paperback!
Trade Barriers to the Public Good: Free Trade and Environmental Protection, by
Alex C. Michalos. McGill-Queens University Press. 5/2008. $34.95pb.
Education and Training
Higher Education in the World 3: Higher Education: New Challenges and Emerging
Roles for Human and Social Development, by Global University Network for
Innovation. Palgrave Macmillan. 5/2008. $60.00pb.
Energy, Industry and Mining
The Political Economy of Sustainable Energy, by Catherine Mitchell. Palgrave
Macmillan. 5/2008. $74.95hb.
Poisoned Wells: The Dirty Politics of African Oil, by Nicholas Shaxson. Palgrave
Macmillan. 5/2008. $18.95pb.
Environment and Pollution Prevention
Interlinkages and the Effectiveness of Multilateral Environmental Agreements, by
W. Bradnee Chambers. United Nations University Press. 5/2008. $34.00pb.
Migration and Climate Change. International Organization for Migration. United
Nations. 5/2008. $16.00pb.
The Climate Diet: How You Can Cut Carbon, Cut Costs, and Save the Planet, by
Jonathan Harrington. Earthscan. 5/2008. $15.95pb.
A Question of Balance: Weighing the Options on Global Warming Policies, by
William Nordhaus. Yale University Press. 5/2008. $28.00hb.
Dynamic and Stochastic Approaches to the Environment and Economic Development,
by Amitrajeet A. Batabyal. World Scientific Publishers . 5/2008. $68.00hb.
Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation in the Tourism Sector: Frameworks,
Tools and Practices, by United Nations Environment Programme. United Nations.
5/2008. $40.00pb.
What Is Biodiversity?, by James Maclaurin , Kim Sterelny. University of Chicago
Press. 5/2008. $24.00pb.
Health, Nutrition and Population
Children and the Millennium Development Goals: Progress towards a World Fit for
Children. Unicef. United Nations. 5/2008. $15.00pb.
World Population Policies 2007. Economic and Social Affairs. United Nations.
5/2008. $70.00pb.
The Politics of Global Health Governance: United By Contagion, by Mark W. Zacher
, Tania J. Keefe.Palgrave Macmillan. 5/2008. $79.95hb.
Stuffed and Starved: The Hidden Battle for the World Food System, by Raj Patel.
Melville House Publishing. 5/2008. $19.95pb.
Demographic Analysis: Projections on Natality, Fertility and Replacement, by
Roland Pressat .Transaction Publishers. 5/2008. $39.95pb.
The Wisdom of Whores: Bureaucrats, Brothels and the Business of AIDS, by
Elizabeth Pisani. W. W. Norton. 5/2008. $25.95hb.
Food and the Poor: How Can Democratic Local Governments Reduce Food Insecurity
in Africa, by United Nations Capital Development Fund. United Nations. 5/2008.
28 Stories of AIDS in Africa, by Stephanie Nolen. Walker & Co. 5/2008. $15.99.
New in paperback!
The Invisible Cure: Africa, the West, and the Fight Against AIDS, by Helen
Epstein. Picador. 5/2008. $16.00. New in paperback!
Labor and Income
Solidarity Divided: The Crisis in Organized Labor and a New Path Toward Social
Justice, by Bill Fletcher, Jr. , Fernando Gapasin. University of California
Press. 5/2008. $24.95hb.
Private Sector
Privatization for the Public Good?: Welfare Effects of Private Intervention in
Latin America, edited by Alberto Chong. Harvard University Press ,
Inter-American Development Bank. 5/2008. $29.95pb.
Public Sector
The Marginal Cost of Public Funds: Theory and Applications, by Bev Dahlby. MIT
Press. 5/2008. $40.00hb.
Public Sector Economics, by Richard W. Tresch. Palgrave Macmillan. 5/2008.
United Nations E-Government Survey 2008: From E-Government to Connected
Governance, by Department of Economic and Social Affairs. United Nations.
5/2008. $55.00pb.
Water Supply and Sanitation
Water Resources in the Middle East: Israel-Palestine Water Issues - From
Conflict to Cooperation, edited by Hillel Shuval , Hassan Dweik. Springer. 2007.
Our Waters: Joining Hands Across Borders - First Assessment of Transboundary
Rivers, Lakes and Groundwaters, by Economic Commission for Europe. United
Nations. 5/2008. $55.00pb.
The Betrayal of Africa: A Groundwork Guide, by Gerald Caplan. Groundwood Books.
5/2008. $10.00pb.
Born in the Big Rains: A Memoir of Somalia and Survival, by Fadumo Korn.
Feminist Press. 5/2008. $15.95pb.
All Things Must Fight to Live: Stories of War and Deliverance in Congo, by Bryan
Mealer. Bloomsbury. 5/2008. $24.99hb.
Becoming Somaliland, by Mark Bradbury. Indiana University Press. 5/2008. $22.95
Gender and Genocide in Burundi: The Search for Spaces of Peace in the Great
Lakes Region, by Patricia O. Daley. Indiana University Press. 5/2008. $24.95pb.
Darfur: A New History of a Long War, Revised and Updated, by Julie Flint , Alex
de Waal. Zed Books. 5/2008. $18.00pb.
Khayelitsha: uMlungu in a Township, by Steven Otter. Penguin. 5/2008. $18.50pb.
A Thousand Hills: Rwanda's Rebirth and the Man Who Dreamed It, by Stephen
Kinzer. John Wiley and Sons, Inc. 5/2008. $25.95hb.
Latin America and the Caribbean
A Rotten Person Travels the Caribbean, by Gary Buslik . Solas House, Inc.
5/2008. $14.95pb.
An Unbroken Agony: Haiti, From Revolution to the Kidnapping of a President, by
Randall Robinson. Basic Books. 5/2008. $16.95. New in paperback!
Pirates of the Caribbean: Axis of Hope, Revised Edition, by Tariq Ali. Verso.
5/2008. $17.95. New in paperback!
Good Intentions, Bad Outcomes: Social Policy, Informality, and Economic Growth
in Mexico, by Santiago Levy. Brookings Institution Press. 5/2008. $27.95pb.
Europe and Central Asia
Croatia Through History, by Branka Magas. Saqi Books. 5/2008. $60.00hb.
To the Castle and Back, by Vaclav Havel. Random House. 5/2008. $15.95pb.
Petrostate: Putin, Power, and the New Russia, by Marshall I. Goldman. Oxford
University Press. 5/2008. $27.95hb.
The European Union, by Duncan Watts. Edinburgh University Press. 5/2008. $32.50
Middle East and North Africa
The Israel-Arab Reader : A Documantary History of the Middle East Conflict, e
dited by Walter Laqueur , Barry Rubin. Penguin. 5/2008. $18.00pb.
Industrial Policy in the Middle East and North Africa: Rethinking the Role of
the State, edited by Ahmed Galal. American University in Cairo Press. 5/2008.
A History of Iran: Empire of the Mind, by Michael Axworthy. Basic Books. 5/2008.
A Choice of Enemies: America Confronts the Middle East, by Lawrence Freedman.
PublicAffairs. 5/2008. $29.95hb.
Inside Egypt: The Land of the Pharaohs on the Brink of a Revolution, by John R.
Bradley. Palgrave Macmillan. 5/2008. $24.95hb.
Once Upon a Country: A Palestinian Life, by Sari Nusseibeh. Farrar, Straus &
Giroux. 5/2008. $16.00. New in paperback!
Palestine Inside Out: An Everyday Occupation, by Saree Makdisi. W. W. Norton.
5/2008. $24.95hb.
Tragedy in South Lebanon: The Israeli-Hezbollah War of 2006, by Cathy
Sultan. Scarletta Press. 5/2008. $16.95pb.
Inside Hamas: The Untold Story of the Militant Islamic Movement, by Zaki Chehab.
Nation Books. 5/2008. $15.95. New in paperback!
Iran: A People Interrupted, by Hamid Dabashi. The New Press. 5/2008. $17.95. New
in paperback!
Asia and the Pacific
China's Struggle for Status: The Realignment of International Relations, by Yong
Deng. Cambridge University Press. 5/2008. $29.99pb.
Taking Southeast Asia to Market: Commodities, Nature, and People in the
Neoliberal Age, edited by Joseph Nevins , Nancy Lee Peluso. Cornell University
Press. 5/2008. $24.95pb.
Equality and Growth in Modern China, edited by Guanghua Wan. Oxford University
Press. 5/2008. $60.00hb.
Asia Rising: Who Is Leading?, by Amitav Acharya. World Scientific Publishers.
5/2008. $25.00pb.
Unfinished Nation: Indonesia Before and After Suharto, by Max Lane. Verso.
5/2008. $29.95pb.
China's Great Train: Beijing's Drive West and the Campaign to Make Tibet, by
Abrahm Lustgarten. Henry Holt. $26.00hb.
China Developing: Cultural Identity of Emerging Societies, by George Fusun Ling.
World Scientific Publishers. 5/2008. $68.00hb.
Cairo Modern, by Naguib Mahfouz. American University of Cairo Press. 5/2008.
The Sirens of Baghdad, by Yasmina Khadra. Anchor Books. $13.95pb.
In the Country of Men, by Hashim Matar.Dial Press. 5/2008. $12.00pb.
World Bank titles are available to staff at a 30% discount