Thursday, March 15, 2007

Film Screening and discussion of "The Bread Winner"at the InfoShop on March 19 from 12:00 to 2:00pm in JB1-080

(Embedded image moved to file: pic23072.gif)
       The Global Strategy Project and  the Afghanistan World Foundation
                              Invite you to a documentary film
            | (Embedded image     |              The Bread Winner              |
            | moved to file:      |   Produced and Directed By Sonia Nassery   |
            | pic03591.jpg)       |                    Cole                    |
            |                     |  Discussion moderated by Marco Vicenzino   |
            |                     |                                            |
            |                     | In  April 2004, Sonia Nassery Cole lead an |
            |                     | AWF group to Kabul, Afghanistan to advance |
            |                     | her  work  in  rebuilding  schools  and to |
            |                     | coordinate with the various Ministries and |
            |                     | other  charitable organizations working in |
            |                     | Afghanistan.                               |
            |                     |                                            |
            |                     |                                            |
            |                     | Arriving in Kabul and caught in traffic on |
            |                     | her  way to the hotel, Sonia heard a knock |
            |                     | on  the  car  window and rolled it down to |
            |   (Embedded image   | have  a  huge calendar thrust towards her. |
            |   moved to file:    | Gently  pushing it aside, Sonia gazed at a |
            |  pic12189.jpg)The   | beautiful  face  which  belonged to a very |
            |   Breadwinner DVD   | young newspaper and calendar seller.       |
            |      Cover Art      |                                            |
            |                     |                                            |
            |                     | The  smile  that  broke out on this little |
            |                     | boy?s  charming  face when Sonia purchased |
            |                     | the  paper  with  a US dollar bill haunted |
            |                     | her  all  evening.  Determined  to set her |
            |                     | eyes  on  him again, Sonia returned to the |
            |                     | heavy  traffic  on  the dusty airport road |
            |                     | for  the  next  three days until she found |
            |                     | him again.                                 |
            |                     |                                            |
            |                     |                                            |
            |                     | The   documentary,   "The  Bread  Winner", |
            |                     | directed  and  produced  by  Sonia Nassery |
            |                     | Cole, is the heart wrenching story about a |
            |                     | day  in  the  rigorous life of a nine-year |
            |                     | old  Afghan  boy, Farouk, who supports his |
            |                     | parents and siblings by selling newspapers |
            |                     | and calendars.                             |
            |                     |                                            |
            |                     |                                            |
            |                     |    The breadwinner has been officially     |
            |                     |    accepted at the  2007  Milano  Film     |
            |                     |                 Festival.                  |
            |                     |                                            |
            |                     |   Monday, March 19, 2007 from 12:00pm -    |
            |                     |                   2:00pm                   |
            |                     |      World Bank J Building - JB1- 080      |
            |                     |          (downstairs Auditorium)           |
            |                     |   (701 18th St. NW corner of 18th St. and  |
            |                     |             Pennsylvania Ave.)             |
            |                     |                                            |
            |                     |     Event is followed by a light lunch     |
            |                     |                 reception                  |
            |                     |     For non bank Staff, Please RSVP to     |
            |                     |        |
            |                     | __________________________________________ |
            |                     |         __________________________         |
            |                     |                                            |
            |                     |               Moderated by:                |
            |                     |              Marco Vicenzino               |
            |                     |     Director, Global Strategy Project      |
            |                     | Marco    Vicenzino   is  the  founder  and |
            |                     | director  of  the Global Strategy Project. |
            |                     | Mr.  Vicenzino  served as Deputy Executive |
            |                     | Director  of  the  International Institute |
            |                     | for   Strategic  Studies-US  (IISS-US)  in |
            |                     | Washington,  DC,  and  is an international |
            |                     | attorney.    Mr.   Vicenzino   has  taught |
            |                     | International   Law   at   the   School of |
            |                     | International    Service    of    American |
            |                     | University.    As   a   strategic   policy |
            |                     | analyst,   commentator   and regular guest |
            |                     | speaker   on   foreign   affairs,  he  has |
            |                     | contributed to various international media |
            |                     | outlets,   including   BBC   World   News, |
            |                     | CNN    International,   CNN   Spanish,  Al |
            |                     | Jazeera,    Univision,    RAI,   Financial |
            |                     | Times,  Le Figaro, El Mundo,  Al Hayat, FT |
            |                     | Deutschland,   El  Universal  and Folha de |
            |                     | Sao  Paulo.  Mr. Vicenzino has also served |
            |                     | as an advisor to the World Bank.           |
            |                     |                                            |
            |                     |                Presented by                |
            |                     |             Sonia Nassery Cole             |
            |                     |   Chairman & Founder, Afghanistan World    |
            |                     |                 Foundation                 |
            |                     | Immediately  following the Soviet invasion |
            |                     | of  Afghanistan  in  1979,  Sonia  Nassery |
            |                     | escaped  to  the  United States, where she |
            |                     | eventually  began  efforts  to help Afghan |
            |                     | refugees  forced  to flee  their homeland. |
            |                     | She   provided    Congressional  testimony |
            |                     | backing   support   of   US   aid  to  the |
            |                     | indigenous  Afghan  resistance  and joined |
            |                     | the  Board  of the Afghan Relief Committee |
            |                     | in New York. To raise public awareness and |
            |                     | funds for the Afghan people, she regularly |
            |                     | has  organized  high  profile events since |
            |                     | the  1980's.   In  2002, Sonia founded the |
            |                     | Afghanistan   World  Foundation  (AWF)  to |
            |                     | support    the   post-war   reconstruction |
            |                     | process in Afghanistan.                    |
            |                     |                Comments by                 |
            |                     |         Mr. Alastair J. McKechnie          |
            |                     | Country Director, Afghanistan, Bhutan and  |
            |                     |         Maldives, World Bank Group         |
            |                     |                                            |

            About Global Strategy Project
            The   Global   Strategy   Project   is   a  non-profit,  nonpartisan
            organization,  based  in  Washington,   DC,   that  strives to bring
            foreign  affairs  to the center of public debate.   Its  purpose  is
            to   provide  a  global  audience  with  an objective understanding,
            through  analytical  publications  and  other activities, of events,
            developments   and   issues  that  impact  international  peace  and
            security;  to  convene  public  and  private  actors  in  forums  to
            improve  dialogue  and relations and promote  the  understanding  of
            issues   that   impact   international   peace  and security; and to
            contribute  to  a  process  that  fosters and advances international
            peace     and     security.    For    more    information,    visit:

            About the Afghanistan World Foundation (AWF)
            The  mission of the Afghanistan World Foundation (AWF) is to provide
            multi-level  broad-based  support to both the scale and scope of the
            Reconstruction  and  Development  of  Afghanistan,  pursuant  to the
            Afghan  National Development Framework (NDF) mandate. Although there
            are  over  20 defined sectors of reconstruction, AWF action programs
            are  based  on  high  priority survival needs in Afghanistan such as
            education  and  emergency  health services.The educational system in
            Afghanistan  has  been  left in dire state of neglect after over two
            decades  of  war.  Military devastation of the country has destroyed
            over  70%  of  the schools and coupled with the repressive regime of
            the  Taliban, the task of rebuilding the educational system is quite
            urgent.  Quality  education will be the pillar for building a strong
            civil  society  and  a  vibrant  democracy  in Afghanistan. AWF will
            invest  in  rebuilding  schools  and  teacher  training  programs to
            deliver  an educational system relevant to the needs of twenty first
            century Afghanistan as it embarks upon its promising future.
             For more information, visit:

            About the InfoShop
            The InfoShop is the public information center and development
            bookstore of the World Bank.  It functions as the only publicly
            accessible space at headquarters, providing internal and external
            audiences access to over 6000 titles published by the World Bank,
            other international organizations, and other publishers on
            development issues.  It is a space where information and documents
            on World Bank development operations, economic data, and strategies,
            can be read easily and comfortably at workstations designed for
            public use.  In addition, the InfoShop hosts book launches,
            exhibits, seminars, receptions, and other community outreach events,
            and also carries videos, posters, CD-ROMs, and gift items.
            For more information, visit:

"Protestantism and Environmentalism: In Quest of a Weberian Approach to Eco-History" discussed at the InfoShop on March 20, 2007, 3:00pm in J1-050

InfoShop, Goethe-Institut and the Delegation of the European Commission to the
USA, the German Presidency
Invite you to a discussion
"Protestantism and Environmentalism: In Quest of a Weberian Approach to
The "Weber thesis" on the affinity between Protestantism and capitalism is
famous all over the world. But today one could ask whether we need a new version
of this thesis: an interpretation of the affinity between Protestantism and
environmentalism. To be sure, today we have a lot of literature on the
"environmental movement" and "environmental politics"; but we are told quite
different stories, without a clear agreement as to how environmentalism has
evolved. Joachim Radkau has written both an environmental history of the world
("Nature and Power") and a biography of Max Weber. He tries to show that there
are various Weberian approaches which may lead to a more comprehensive and
analytical study of environmentalism.
Tuesday, March 20, 2007 from 3:00pm - 4:30pm
World Bank J Building - J1- 050 (701 18th St. NW corner of 18th St. and
Pennsylvania Ave.)
For non bank staff, please RSVP to
Presented by
Joachim Radkau
Joachim Radkau's work, the first comprehensive biography of Max Weber, deals in
detail with Weber's personal life and his work. Widely discussed and debated in
Germany today, the biography brings Max Weber?s life, works and era together to
create a lively panorama of a time whose changes are still felt today. Radkau is
professor for modern history at the University of Bielefeld. He is an author of
numerous books, including The Age of Unrest (1998).

About the InfoShop
The InfoShop is the public information center and development bookstore of the
World Bank.  It functions as the only publicly accessible space at headquarters,
providing internal and external audiences access to over 6000 titles published
by the World Bank, other international organizations, and other   publishers on
development issues.  It is a space where information and documents on World Bank
development operations, economic data, and strategies, can be read easily and
comfortably at workstations designed for public use.  In addition, the InfoShop
hosts book launches, exhibits, seminars, receptions, and other community
outreach events, and   also carries videos, posters, CD-ROMs, and gift items.
For more information, visit:

About The Goethe-Institut

The Goethe-Institut Washington organizes and supports cultural events that
present German culture abroad and that further intercultural exchange. Of
special interest to us are film and exhibition projects. Our language department
offers German courses, workshops and seminars for teachers of German as a
Foreign Language, as well as a wide-ranging testing program to prove proficiency
in German. The Goethe-Institut Washington is responsible for providing cultural
programs and pedagogical and language services to the District of Columbia and
to the states of Maryland, Virginia, West Virginia, and Delaware. A special,
wider-ranging focus of our work involves projects using the electronic media
(internet, radio, and television) for audiences in the USA, Canada, Mexico, and
Cuba. We organize and provide advice about electronic media projects in the
areas of cultural programming, language services, and information on behalf of
the Goethe-Institut locations in these countries.
For more information, visit:

Infoshop Events

This website is dedicated to the listing of events at and/or sponsored by the World Bank Infoshop located at:
World Bank J Building - J1- 050
701 18th St. NW corner of 18th St. and Pennsylvania Ave.

For non bank staff, please RSVP to