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invite you to a panel discussion on
| | |
| | |
| | Fertility Regulation Behaviors and Their |
| | Costs |
| | Contraception and Unintended Pregnancies |
| (Embedded image | in Africa and |
| moved to file: | Eastern Europe & Central Asia |
| pic19954.jpg) | |
| | Fertility levels have declined steadily |
| | over the last three decades but the pace |
| | of decline varies among regions. |
| | Countries that have achieved a high |
| | level of contraceptive use have reached |
| | a lower fertility level. A gap continues |
| | to exist between actual and desired |
| | family size, resulting in unintended |
| | pregnancies. More than one-third of the |
| | pregnancies that occur are unintended |
| | and one in five pregnancies ends in |
| | induced abortion. Almost half of all |
| | induced abortions are unsafe, and the |
| | proportion of all abortions that are |
| | unsafe has increased during the last |
| | decade. Sixty-six percent of unintended |
| | pregnancies occur among women who are |
| | not using any method of contraception. |
| | |
| | Investing in quality family planning |
| | programs is a cost-effective way to |
| | address unmet need for contraception and |
| | reduce the risks of unsafe abortion, |
| | thereby improving maternal health. If |
| | contraception were provided to the 137 |
| | million women who lack access, maternal |
| | mortality would decline by 25%?35%. |
| | |
| | |
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
3:00 - 4:30 pm
Auditorium J1-050
World Bank J Building
701 18th Street NW
Washington, DC
For non Bank staff, please RSVP to infoshopevents@worldbank.org
Phillip Hay
Communications Adviser, Human Development Network, World Bank
Mr. Hay is Communications Adviser for the Human Development Network
at the World Bank, helping to raise the profile and proven impact of
human development issues such as health, nutrition and population,
HIV/AIDS, education, etc., in the global and national media, and
within the wider development community. He also works closely with
key partners such as civil society, the specialist UN agencies,
parliamentarians, the private sector, and others to advance the
human development agenda. Mr. Hay is a former BBC Special
Correspondent and veteran commentator and writer on international
Elizabeth Lule
Manager, AIDS Campaign Team for Africa (ACTafrica), World Bank
Ms. Lule is the Manager of ACTafrica, responsible for the overall
policy direction and coordination of the World Bank?s HIV/AIDS work
in Africa. Previously, she was Senior Adviser for Population and
Reproductive, Maternal and Child Health in the Bank's Human
Development Vice Presidency. She also worked with the Health,
Nutrition and Population Sector Board to strengthen the Bank?s
capacity and effectiveness in addressing population, reproductive
health, maternal and child health issues in Bank operations and
global knowledge management and sharing. Before joining the World
Bank in 2001, Ms. Lule was Africa Regional Vice President for
Pathfinder International.
John May
Senior Population Specialist, Human Development Unit, Africa Region,
World Bank
Mr. May has over 30 years of advisory and consulting experience in
the areas of demographic data collection and analysis, family
planning program design and evaluation, and population policy
analysis and implementation. He is currently a Senior Population
Specialist in the Africa Region at the World Bank. He has worked on
many population projects around the world for UNFPA, UNICEF, USAID,
and the International Union for the Scientific Study of Population
(IUSSP). Mr. May is also an Adjunct Professor in Demography at
Georgetown University and has published widely in the area of
population and family planning programs and policies.
Michael Vlassoff
Senior Research Associate, Guttmacher Institute
Mr. Vlassoff is a Senior Research Associate at the Guttmacher
Institute, where he has focused on the cost of abortion-related
morbidity and mortality. Previously, he worked for the United
Nations in various capacities in Latin America, Asia and at UN
headquarters in New York. His research centered on population and
development, particularly on the determinants and consequences of
fertility change. Mr. Vlassoff's career in the UN included positions
in both research and operations, including eleven years at the
United Nations Population Fund. During his time at UNFPA he was
Country Representative for India and Bhutan from 1998-2000.
About the InfoShop
The InfoShop is the public information center of the World Bank and
serves as a forum for substantial debate on international
development. Our extensive events program consists of more than 250
events over the past two years and has hosted many internationally
recognized speakers including Queen Noor, Francis Fukuyama, Jeffrey
Sachs, Amartya Sen, Joseph Stiglitz, Thomas Friedman, and Carly
Fiorina. The InfoShop functions as the only publicly accessible
space at headquarters and provides internal and external audiences
with over 15,000 titles published by the World Bank, international
organizations, and other publishers on development issues.
For more information, visit: www.worldbank.org/infoshop
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