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Paolo Mefalopulos
Senior Communications Officer, Development Communication Division,
World Bank
Mr. Mefalopulos has been working in the field of development
communication for almost twenty years both at a theoretical and
practical level. His main focus of expertise resides in the
application of the strategic use of participatory communication for
development projects and programs. He has worked extensively in
Southern Africa, Latin America, and the Middle East. Mr.
Mefalopulos is one of the founders of the innovative methodology
known as PRCA (Participatory Rural Communication Appraisal), which
is currently used by a number of international organizations
worldwide. He is the co-author of the book, "?Participatory Rural
Communication Appraisal: starting with the people." He also wrote
two other books entitled, "Participatory Communication Strategy
Design" and "Introduccion a la Comunicacion Participativa para el
Desarrollo Sostenible."
Varadarajan Atur
Lead Energy Specialist, Energy Department of the African Region,
World Bank
Mr. Atur joined the South Asia Power group of the World Bank in 1986
to assist in the financial analysis of operations in Bangladesh,
Burma, and Sri Lanka. As a key member of the team, he contributed to
the development and adoption of electricity tariff policy in
Bangladesh. In the Middle East and North Africa Region, he worked on
the power sector in Turkey, where he designed and helped implement
the financial restructuring of the public power utility and
structured financing for a private sector hydro power project.
Subsequently, in the Europe and Central Asia Region, he designed the
Bank's assistance strategy for telecommunications in Bulgaria and
Romania. Prior to joining the World Bank, he had management and
consulting experience in the engineering and chemical industries, as
well as academic experience teaching in the graduate business school
in India.
J.P. Singh
Associate Professor, Communication, Culture and Technology,
Georgetown University
Mr. Singh is Associate Professor at the graduate program in
Communication, Culture and Technology at Georgetown University and
Editor of the Review of Policy Research: The Politics and Policy of
Science and Technology. He is the author of Negotiation and the
Global Information Economy (Cambridge 2008), Leapfrogging
Development? The Political Economy of Telecommunications
Restructuring (SUNY 1999), and co-editor of Information Technologies
and Global Politics (with James N. Rosenau, 2002).
Sumir Lal
Head, Internal Communications, World Bank
Prior this his current position, Mr. Lal was the World Bank's Senior
External Affairs Officer for India at its New Delhi office during
2000-2006, where he played a pioneering role in introducing
political analysis and risk management into project design and
analytical work across a number of sectors. His path-breaking paper
on the politics of power sector reform continues to guide the
regional management's thinking on this issue. Before joining the
World Bank, he was an award-winning political and current affairs
journalist in India from 1982 to 2000, and held senior editorial
positions in leading national newspapers.
Paul Mitchell
Manager, Development Communication Division, World Bank
Mr. Mitchell is an internationally recognized expert in development
communication with more than 30 years of experience in political
risk analysis and management; change management; economic, utility,
judicial, and public administrative reform; and also strategic
communications, participatory processes, and public consultation. He
has led several global consultation processes for major Bank policy
reforms, such as the disclosure policy and the development policy
lending reform. He has worked in more than 50 countries and more
than 150 development projects assisting governments on difficult
reform programs and high risk projects. Additionally, he has
written and published numerous papers, books and other material on
communication along with more than 60 films and television programs.
About The InfoShop
The InfoShop is the public information center of the World Bank and
serves as a forum for substantial debate on international
development. Our extensive events program consists of more than 250
events over the past two years and has hosted many internationally
recognized speakers, including Queen Noor, Francis Fukuyama, Jeffrey
Sachs, Amartya Sen, Joseph Stiglitz, Thomas Friedman, Senator Hagel,
and Carly Fiorina. The InfoShop functions as the only publicly
accessible space at headquarters and provides internal and external
audiences with over 10,000 titles published by the World Bank,
international organizations, and other publishers on development
For more information, visit www.worldbank.org/infoshop
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