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The Global HIV/AIDS Program, Human Development Network
invite you to a book launch of a recent World Bank publication
| | |
| | Legal Aspects of HIV/AIDS: |
| (Embedded image | A Guide for Policy and Law Reform |
| moved to file: | |
| pic10178.jpg) | Written by a team of eminent legal |
| | scholars and practitioners, this book |
| | summarizes key legal and policy issues |
| | for 65 wide-ranging topics related to |
| | HIV/AIDS. The concise format will be |
| | useful for policy makers, HIV/AIDS |
| | practitioners, lawyers, the media and |
| | others seeking clear, precise |
| | information. The Guide shows how laws |
| | and regulations can either underpin or |
| | undermine good public health programs |
| | and responsible personal behaviors. It |
| | provides relevant ?practice examples? |
| | (citing from actual laws and |
| | regulations) and offers selective lists |
| | of references. |
| | |
| | For more information or to order the |
| | book, please click on the link below: |
| |
http://www.worldbankinfoshop.org/ecomme |
| | rce/catalog/product?item_id=6552486 |
| | |
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
World Bank J Building, J1- 050
701 18th St. NW corner of 18th St. and Pennsylvania Ave.
A light lunch will be served
Introduced by
Vice President, Human Development Network, World Bank
Prior to joining the Bank, Ms. Phumaphi worked at the World Health
Organization as the Assistant Director General for the Family and
Community Health Department. Before that, she served in the
Parliament and as Minister for Health of Botswana.
Presented by Authors
Assistant Professor of Law , Wayne State University.
Mr. Gable is co-editor (with David Buchanan and Celia Fisher) of
Ethical and Legal Issues in Research with High Risk Populations:
Addressing Threats of Suicide, Child Abuse, and Violence
(forthcoming 2007), author of numerous professional journal
articles, reports, and other publications, and was guest editor
(with Lawrence O. Gostin and Colleen Flood) of the symposium issue
Legislating and Litigating Health Care Rights Around the World.
Ms. Gamharter has served as Counsel/Legal Associate in the
Environment & International Law Practice Group as well as the Latin
America Operational Practice Group, World Bank Legal Vice
Presidency. She is the author of Access to Affordable Medicines:
Developing Responses under the TRIPS Agreement and EC Law (2004),
and other publications and professional journal articles related to
trade law and intellectual property. Previously she was Assistant
Professor at the Europainstitut, Vienna University of Economics and
Business Administration.
Associate Dean and O?Neill Professor of Global Health Law, Georgetown University
Mr. Gostin is Member of the Institute of Medicine, National Academy
of Sciences (lifetime), Editor (Health Law and Ethics), Journal of
the American Medical Association, Co-Editor, Georgetown University
Press book series, Ethics, Health, and Public Policy, and a member
of the Editorial Board or Editorial Advisory Board of 20
professional journals. He is the author of The AIDS Pandemic:
Complacency, Injustice, and Unfulfilled Expectations, and the
author, co-author, or co-editor of over 30 other books or monographs
as well as author or co-author of well over 100 professional journal
articles in the health field.
Associate Professor, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public
Health; Executive Director, Centers for Law and the Public's Health
at Georgetown and Johns Hopkins Universities; and Adjunct Faculty,
Georgetown University Law Center
Mr. Hodge teaches and lectures extensively in public health
law,bioethics, and health information privacy, has authored (or
co-authored)over 75 articles in professional journals and over 50
reports and other publications on public health law, bioethics, and
human rights.
Independent adviser on health law and international development and
Adjunct Faculty,Georgetown University
Mr. Van Puymbroeck was formerly Lead Counsel, Public Health and
HIV/AIDS, Legal Advisory Services, World Bank Legal Vice Presidency.
He is a member of the World Bank?s Editorial Committee, former
member of the World Bank?s Research Committee (2000-2003), and
co-author (with Frederick M. Abbott) of Compulsory Licensing for
Public Health: A Guide and Model Documents for Implementation of the
Doha Declaration Paragraph 6 Decision. He is former Editor of
Comprehensive Legal and Judicial Development: Toward an Agenda for a
Just and Equitable Society in the 21st Century, The World Bank
Legal Review: Law and Justice for Development, and the Law, Justice
and Development series.
Comments by
Director, Global HIV/AIDS Program, World Bank
Ms. Zewdie is the Director of the Global HIV/AIDS Program for the
World Bank. She was recruited to this position from the Africa
Region of the Bank where she managed the AIDS Campaign Team for
Africa (ACTafrica), which is responsible for the US$1 billion
Multi-Country HIV/AIDS Program (MAP I and II) for Africa. Before
joining the Bank in 1994, Ms. Zewdie was Deputy Regional Director of
the Africa Region for the AIDS Control and Prevention project
(AIDSCAP) of Family Health International in Nairobi, Kenya and
worked in sixteen African countries.
About the InfoShop
The InfoShop is the public information center of the World Bank and
serves as a forum for substantial debate on international
development. Our extensive events program consists of more than 250
events over the past two years and has hosted many internationally
recognized speakers including Queen Noor, Francis Fukuyama, Jeffrey
Sachs, Amartya Sen, Joseph Stiglitz, Thomas Friedman, and Carly
Fiorina. The InfoShop functions as the only publicly accessible
space at headquarters and provides internal and external audiences
with over 15,000 titles published by the World Bank, international
organizations, and other publishers on development issues.
For more information, visit: www.worldbank.org/infoshop
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