Friday, March 30, 2007

Fwd: "Inexcusable Absence" discussed at the InfoShop on April 5, 2007, at 12:00pm in J1-050

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: <>
Date: Mar 30, 2007 11:27 AM
Subject: "Inexcusable Absence" discussed at the InfoShop on April 5, 2007, at 12:00pm in J1-050
To: undisclosed-recipients

                        (Embedded image moved to file: pic20537.gif)
                   Human Development Network Vice Presidency, World Bank
             Invite you to a discussion featuring a recent publication from the
                               Center for Global Development
            |                      |            Inexcusable Absence            |
            |   (Embedded image    |   Why 60 Million Girls Still Aren't in    |
            |    moved to file:    | School and What to Do about It by Maureen |
            |    pic02695.jpg)     |       Lewis and Marlaine E Lockheed       |
            |                      | Girls' education, indisputably crucial to |
            |                      | development,   has   received  a  lot  of |
            |                      | attention-but     surprisingly     little |
            |                      | hardheaded  analysis  to inform practical |
            |                      | policy solutions. In Inexcusable Absence, |
            |                      | Maureen   Lewis   and  Marlaine  Lockheed |
            |                      | propose  new  strategies for reaching the |
            |                      | 70 percent of out-of-school girls who are |
            |                      | "doubly     disadvantaged"    by    their |
            |                      | ethnicity,  language,  or  other factors. |
            |                      | The  book  will  be an important tool for |
            |                      | policymakers,   informing   interventions |
            |                      | that  can  make  a profound impact on the |
            |                      | lives  of  the  60  million out-of-school |
            |                      | girls.                                    |
            |                      |                                           |
            |                      |  Thursday, April 10, 2007 from 12:00pm -  |
            |                      |                  2:00pm                   |
            |                      |      World Bank J Building - J1-050       |
            |                      |            701 18th Street, NW            |
            |                      |                                           |
            |                      |     Contact: Jan-Marie Hopkins, HDN,      |
            |                      |  202-473-8071 or   |
            |                      |          for further information          |

                                        Joy Phumaphi
            Vice President and Head of Human Development Network, The World Bank
            Prior  to  this,  Joy  Phumaphi  was  Assistant Director General for
            Family and Community Health at the World Health Organization and was
            the  Director  General's  Representative on Gender Equality. She was
            also Health Minister of Botswana.

                                       Maureen Lewis
             Acting Chief Economist, Human Development Network, The World Bank.
            Prior  to  this,  Maureen  Lewis  was  Chief  Economist of the Human
            Development Network of the World Bank.

                                     Marlaine Lockheed
                       Visiting Fellow, Center for Global Development
            Prior  to  this  Marlaine  Lockheed was Education Sector Manager and
            Acting  Director  for  Education at the World Bank and head of WBI's
            Evaluation   Group.   She  currently  teaches  education  policy  at
            Princeton's  Woodrow  Wilson  School  of  International  and  Public

                                       Maurya Buvenic
                              Gender Director, The World Bank
            About the InfoShop
            The  InfoShop  is  the  public  information  center  and development
            bookstore  of  the  World  Bank.   It functions as the only publicly
            accessible  space  at  headquarters, providing internal and external
            audiences  access  to  over 6000 titles published by the World Bank,
            other   international   organizations,   and   other  publishers  on
            development  issues.   It is a space where information and documents
            on World Bank development operations, economic data, and strategies,
            can  be  read  easily  and  comfortably at workstations designed for
            public   use.   In  addition,  the  InfoShop  hosts  book  launches,
            exhibits, seminars, receptions, and other community outreach events,
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            For more information, visit:

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